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 Do you often wonder about your soul's true purpose here on Earth and what you can do to move towards that purpose daily?

There have been more and more gentle souls waking up to their divinity with each year that passes.

Many of us are seeing beyond the veil and recognizing that walking the spiritual path aligns our physical, emotional and mental well-being as well.

For the first time in many generations we are able to fully embrace our intuitive abilities, healing modalities and divination techniques in a way that feels purposeful. 


desire is the language of the soul.


If we continue to move towards what we desire most, then we will always be moving towards our highest good for our highest version of Self. 


We are multilayered and multidimensional beings, having a very human existence.

We are not meant to lead a predictable, boring life.

So many of us have been conditioned to believe that we must work a traditional job and live paycheck to paycheck, teetering the edges of financial insecurity and lacking the confidence codes to actually do anything about it. 

Many of us have discovered that we will come into the most joy and reap the most blessings when we are working, living and moving in alignment with our current healthiest version of self. 

Rather than doing all of this soul retrieval work alone, you can tap into the magick you are made of through spiritual tools and rituals that have been developed over time.

Working with astrology, the akash, tarot and the shadow allow you to open a portal to a level of self awareness that breaks down the very fundamental nature of who you thought you were and builds up the fundamental nature of who you actually are as a lightworker here on Earth. 


Hi, I’m
Ashley Michelle!

 As your spiritual and business development mentor and healer it is my soul mission to help you AWAKEN to new portals of potential so that you can connect and collaborate with Source energy and your guides with confidence and clarity.


I know from personal experience that your spiritual awakening can be hard, isolating and lonely at times but once you harness the power of your own authentic magick, you will be able to understand quite clearly how the universe speaks to you AND how you can speak back.


let’s make quantum leaps through time and space together

as we break down:

scarcity patterns,
false narratives and
the limiting beliefs

that have plagued your world
for far too long now.

Sagittarius Sun

Cancer Rising

Aquarius Moon


“Ashley showed me how lightning fast my alchemical healing can be” - Madaly

About me:

Ashley started off her work in spirituality as young teen, listening to her grandmother rattle off the sun signs of her new beaus or the astrology behind why my mom was being stubborn with her about one thing or another. From that point on, that was it. It was astrology all the time, from guessing people’s sun signs to learning what it means to have Venus in your first house. Shortly there after, tarot came into the picture and Ashley found herself as a young teen creating altars in the woods, working with deity magick, writing journals upon journals of tarot study and of course, incorporating astrology into it all.

starseed shadows

After her academic studies, as Ashley began to build her business she decided early on that she would be a healer who worked intuitively. Meaning that she would create offers and products that were inspired from Source itself. This is what led to Ashley’s deep work with Lilith and later on her study of the Akashic Records.

Ashley is the only astrologer that we know of that works with all 4 lilith points in astrology, specifically to help you work through your shadow and eventually step into what is called shadow integration. This means that we no longer are subject to our subconscious or conscious negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves and our magick but rather we embrace all of who are and what we have to offer the world. In short, you deserve to take up space in whatever capacity that you desire to. 

Shadow work is foundational to the StarSeedShadows universe and here you can find that the best way to do shadow work with Ashley is by booking the Astrology for shadow work session. 

About two years into business Ashley got another intuitive hit to learn the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a record of what has happened, is happening or will happen and some spiritual workers feel the call to dive deeper into the records and read for others while others feel like their time is better spent working in another area of wellness. Neither is wrong, just different and for Ashley, her guides kept calling her to the records until finally she had her own session which inside she was told that she was ready to evolve in her magickal work by incorporating reading the records of others. From there Ashley listened to that message and got certified in reading the records through the Linda Howe School for Akashic Studies and has been reading the records ever since. 

Throughout all of this evolution, Ashley has gained incredible insight and knowledge on how to run an online business, create content that sells, speak with authority and flow in your authenticity. With Venus in the 8th house, a stellium in Capricorn and part of fortune in Aries it was no wonder that incorporating business mentorship inside of the StarSeedShadows universe was a must. Ashley offers group business mentorship as well as 1:1’s.


Want to work together but don’t know how?

Lets start with a clarity call: